Sunday, October 26, 2008

It's currently 2:05 on a sunday morning, and I'm gonna see how long I can stay up talking to one of my friends and singing to Taylor Swift in the dark. Sounds fun, eh? I had a great day yesterday. My friend (the one I'm talking to now) came over. My parents even said they liked him, which is a relief because I dont really want them hating one of my friends :P So that was fun. I hadn't had a friend over in ages so it was nice. My room is actually clean! I cleaned it Friday, really well. i love it when my room is clean xD *sigh* I'm feeling pretty hungry but I don't wanna go downstairs for a snack. Plus I've had loads to eat for today, I don't need anymore. I'm not hyper anymore. Hehe. Well that's about it I guess except my friend has been brbing for 17 minutes and it's starting to bug me because I'm getting tired and I dont wanna go to bed now-.-

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