Saturday, October 18, 2008


I can't believe I forgot to blog yesterday. I didn't even remember until 12:57 last night and I was going to try and make a post in the three minutes left, but then my friend asked me to look up calculus on wikipedia for him, so I helped him instead. By the way calculus look really hard. anyways I'll have to make two rants today since I missed yesterday.

My Rant:
You know what bugs me? When stupid msn freezes up and it signs you out and when you sign out the people you were talking to sign out too. It bugged me last night because I was summarizing the wikipedia article and then it signed me out and I never got to finish. This computer is so slow it freezes about 50 friggen times a day *sigh*. That's it for now I guess, I think I'm gonna go eat breakfast then play DDR.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Daily Rant

I HATE when my horoscope is right. I don't know why but it really gets on my nerves. Pobably becuase I figuare that it means my life is boring enough that even iGoogle can predict it. I think that's really, really sad. The reason this is my rant is because today my horoscope happens to be right. "Your friends will take care of you today, so don't think twice about asking them for help. You might not like putting yourself in a vulnerable position, but this can be helpful by creating a more even flow of energy with a loved one. Although it's ultimately about balance, you can safely follow the good advice of a trusted companion without thinking too much about the consequences". My friends did take care of me. They stood up for me involvong things I don't want to explain. Ugh that bugs me soo much. Guess what? My dad just brought me home gum! Yay!xD I needed more gum for school, heheh =D

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Things you most likely don't care about

Ugh my ear hurts from being flipped onto the ground today (don't ask how that affects my ear, it does), my toe hurts because I stubbed it, my finger hurts because I bit the nail down too far, I have big bruises on both my arms that still haven't gone away, my knee hurts because I hit it on my desk a minute ago and I have no life because I'm blogging about my injurys *sigh*.
Atleast I have teeth.

More webcomics.. YAAY!

Cyanide and Happiness is probably the most sickening, disgusting, offensive and vulgar webcomic I have ever read. It also happens to be friggen hilarious. I'm reading it at the moment because I don't have much else to do. Anyways some of the comics are really, really funny. Here's the link xD

Daily Rant

I hate it when you're hanging out with someone and then they invite someone you don't like to hangout too. And you can't say anything because that would be mean and you don't want to leave because you really want to spend time with the person you actually like. So then you're stuck there hanging out with the person who doesn't like you and who you dont like either. It's not so bad as long as your friend is there but as soon as he leaves, you're standing there awkwardly as the other person trys to make small talk. That was my rant. My sad, pathetic rant. This is what happens when you have a good day, you can't come up with anything to complain about *sigh*
One thing I can say is stupid though is that apparently Miley Cyrus now loves british guys because their accents make them sound so intelligent and she loves how classy they all are-_- I know for a fact that not every british guy is classy and in my oppinion their accents don't make them sound intelligent, they are sound great, but they don't sound intelligent because of accents.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Ugh it's picture day tomorrow and I always hate picture day because I always look terrible and I have to get up early just to try and look better than I actually will in the picture. But this year it's worse because I have no idea which of the two days is picture day so I have to look good two days in a row-.- *sigh*


Bored? Try Questionable Content,, it's one of my favourite webcomics. Careful though, it's friggen addicting =D

Daily Rant

You know what I hate? When people tell me to smile. It drives me insane. If I wasn't smiling before then there was probably a reason for it. Maybe I had just hurt my foot, or maybe I had just gotten in a fight with someone. Who knows? I could have just forgot my lunch or broken my iPod, but no matter what had happened, I don't feel like smiling, so don't tell me to. People care to much about other peoples facial expressions. Just this morning I was walking down the hall and someone called out to me "Heather! smile!" so I turned around smiled and went back to thinking. I wasn't unhappy, smiling just gets tiresome after a while, but if I was I sure wouldn't want to cover it up with a smile. If I'm in a bad mood I'm not going to smile for everyone else's sense of well being. I will frown. Anyways that's my rant for today. It was pretty pathetic I know but I actually had an ok day and there wasn't much to rant about.


Hi this is my awful blog. I have no idea what I'm gonna blog about yet so I guess everything will be random for now. I'm actually not sure what to write but I'll probably talk about webcomics that I read and rant about things I hate. It should be fairly random. So I guess that's it for now -_-