Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Daily Rant

I hate it when you're hanging out with someone and then they invite someone you don't like to hangout too. And you can't say anything because that would be mean and you don't want to leave because you really want to spend time with the person you actually like. So then you're stuck there hanging out with the person who doesn't like you and who you dont like either. It's not so bad as long as your friend is there but as soon as he leaves, you're standing there awkwardly as the other person trys to make small talk. That was my rant. My sad, pathetic rant. This is what happens when you have a good day, you can't come up with anything to complain about *sigh*
One thing I can say is stupid though is that apparently Miley Cyrus now loves british guys because their accents make them sound so intelligent and she loves how classy they all are-_- I know for a fact that not every british guy is classy and in my oppinion their accents don't make them sound intelligent, they are sound great, but they don't sound intelligent because of accents.

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