Saturday, October 18, 2008


I can't believe I forgot to blog yesterday. I didn't even remember until 12:57 last night and I was going to try and make a post in the three minutes left, but then my friend asked me to look up calculus on wikipedia for him, so I helped him instead. By the way calculus look really hard. anyways I'll have to make two rants today since I missed yesterday.

My Rant:
You know what bugs me? When stupid msn freezes up and it signs you out and when you sign out the people you were talking to sign out too. It bugged me last night because I was summarizing the wikipedia article and then it signed me out and I never got to finish. This computer is so slow it freezes about 50 friggen times a day *sigh*. That's it for now I guess, I think I'm gonna go eat breakfast then play DDR.

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