Sunday, October 19, 2008

Daily Rant

I have a couple of rants for today.

Firstly I hate it when my parents let my sister have a friend over but when i asked they say no and that the other friend shouldnt have been allowed over in the first place. But the other kid was allowed over so why not let my friend come too. It's not fair. Whatever atleats I didn't have to clean my room.

My second rant is when my parents make horrible assumptions that have no solid base to them. Especially embarressing, false assumptions. Assumptions that are so horrendous they make me want to drive a rusty nail through my eye and lick the eye juices and blood off the nail. And then no matter what you do you can't stop thinking about said assumptions until you go insane.

Another rant is when you're talking to someone on msn for hours and you know you should go to bed or do something else but you don't want to stop talking because you're having a lot of fun just talking even though you feel like dying from tiredness. I hate that so much xD It happens a lot to me on weekends.

Another thing I hate is when my sisters try to beat me in a fight and they won't give up. even though I've obviously won a million times.

I also hate when you go to make cupcakes and you have no cupcake cups so you have to make a cake instead. xD

Thats about it I think=D

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