Wednesday, October 22, 2008

No Rant Today

Nope no rant today because I've decided I spend too much time ranting and no enough time saying the good things about my day.
So here they are:
#1- I got to wear my new sweater today and apparently it looked good on me in a leprecaun type of way
#2- Recess and lunch were really fun today. I'm not saying why but they were especially great.
#3- We had a good science class because we talked about sex and it was hilarious.
#4- I finished 5 Clique books so far. I read a whole book in three hours WOO! xD
#5- It has been one week without biting my nails!
#6- Blackmail isn't so bad depending on the person who has it.
#7- I found $1 underneith my bed today.
#8- Only two people found out about my gum.
#9- My hair straightened well today.
#10- We don't have any homework due tomorrow.
#11- I got to carve a celtic design into a chunk of plaster of paris.
#12- I didn't hurt myself today.
#13- Halloween is next week.
#14- I was feeling very smiley and happy today (which had the bonus of bugging one of my friends xD).
#15- Atleast I have teeth.

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